Contact Information
Natalie Eaton (Counselor, Last Names A - L)
Phone Number: 360.709.7415
About Me: Hello BMS Families! This is my first year at Bush Middle School and my 8th year as a school counselor. I am very excited to be supporting students and families in the Tumwater School District. I graduated with my Masters in School Counseling from Whitworth University and have experience at both the high school and middle school level. Please reach out anytime with questions or concerns. I look forward to getting to know your student and helping them be successful in school!
Jill Rotter (Counselor, Last Names M - Z)
Phone Number: 360.709.7415
About Me: Hi everyone! I have been a counselor at Bush Middle School for the past 7 years and a counselor in the school district since 2003. I look forward to working with you during the crazy and fun world of middle school. Don’t hesitate to stop by the counseling center if you have questions or need help! We love meeting students.
Karen Rich (Registrar)
Phone Number: 360.709.7415
About Me:
Michelle Hoedeman (School Psychologist)
Phone Number: 360.709.7415
About Me:
Information students share with the school counselor is confidential. The student’s right to privacy is guarded as much as permitted by law, ethics and school rules. The school counselor is obligated to break confidentiality when there is a potential harm to the student or others, concern of neglect or abuse, or a court of law that requires testimony or student records. The school counselor often consults with other school professionals, but only shares information necessary to achieving the goals of the consultation.