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For Families

      For Families  
Skyward Access     
Skyward Link
It is always a good idea to check on your progress.  Skyward is the place to go for students and parents to do just that.  Click on the icon to access the Skyward system.  You will need a user name and password to get in.  If you do not know the user name and password, contact the BMS registrar.
Skyward Link
Digital Citizenship 
These days, we live in dual worlds - real and digital.  When anyone interacts with the digital world, there are certain guidelines that need to be followed and respected in order to navigate that world smoothly.  Here are the nine elements of Digital Citizenship that we all need to abide by:
                                                  Image result for the 9 elements of digital citizenship
                                                     Flickr, Creative Commons 2.0 licence-BY-NC-ND
 The teachers at our school are charged with educating our students about these nine elements, so that as they navigate the digital world at school and at home, they can be confident that they will be successful and safe.
Research Skills
As students work on research projects, they should have a strategy for how to go about accomplishing their tasks.  There are certain skills, based on the Tumwater School District standards( Educational Technology and ELA), that they should have in their "toolbox" as they proceed.  Your child's teachers and your librarian will introduce or remind students about these skills as the year goes on.  Here are some of the skills that are covered:
Big 6 Research Model   The Big 6 Research Model
Check out the video on the Library Resources page for a summary. 
Using Efficient Search Terms when Researching Online 
 Be thinking about the best terms to use when searching online: 
                                           Ray W. Howard Library 
Evaluating Online Resources
How do we tell if the information found online for our research is credible?  Here is a quick tutorial: 
                                              Mike Slowinski
Citing Sources  
When we use information from a resource in our research, we have to give credit where credit is due.
Primary and Secondary Sources
These are two types of sources where we may get information for our research.  What is the difference between them?
Homework Help
Stuck at home, and stuck on schoolwork?  Try one of these sites to set you straight:

   hippo campus link   

  fact monster link        

Watch Know Learn link


Digital Citizenship - Etiquette
We like to use the Internet to find information.  We use it also for entertainment purposes.  And we often use it to communicate. Social Media is in wide use by middle school age.  Like any tool, using the Internet and Social Media properly and responsibly will get us the best results. Here are 10 Netiquette tips to keep in mind:
                                        Angel Rivera
Our communication online should be much like our face-to-face communication.  Respect is a key.  Whether we are communicating online or face-to-face, we should ROCK.  In case you need a reminder, watch this:
Digital Citizenship - Safety
When we interact online, in addition to being respectful, we need to be safe, and protect our reputation.  What we post online can come back to haunt us in a variety of ways. This video sums it up:
                                                              Common Sense Media