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Boys Basketball

updated 02/04/25
BBBGameBusSchedule24-25update02042025 (PDF)

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2025FalconBoysBasketballSeasonInfo (PDF)

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2024-25 Season: Jan 6th - Feb 12th
Parent meeting: Thursday, 1/16 at 5pm in room A-34
Regular Practice: Monday-Thursday 2:45-4:45pm
First practice: 01/06/25
Friday practices: 7-7:30am on 1/10 & 1/17 to help players get enough practices before first game, then as needed throughout the season.
Athletes will need to be cleared & attend all initial 8 practices to be eligible for the first game.
Things to bring to practice: Basketball shoes (preferably not shoes worn outside), athletic shorts (preferably black), t-shirt, and a water bottle (marked with name)
Game attire: will be a jersey & shorts provided by (& returned at the end of the season to) BMS. Uniforms will be returned directly after last game, so players will need to bring an extra set of clothes to that game.
Away game protocol: ALL students-athletes will ride the bus as a team, dressed in their uniforms to away games. For players to ride home with an adult a Travel Release form MUST be completed, emailed/turned in to the BMS main office to be stamped and turned in to your coach before departing BMS. Please consider packing snacks for your student-athlete. NOTE: the exception to this is when games are held at Tumwater Middle School, where there is NO bus transportation after the games and all players must be picked up at TMS following the games.

Spirit Wear: the spirit wear shop is now closed for this season of BBB

Head Coach: Coach Scott,
Assistant Coach: Coach Steele,
Assistant Coach: Coach Hicks, 
Assistant Coach: Coach Snow,
Assistant Coach: Coach Murphy,