Girls Soccer
Schedule last updated 09/27/24
Go Falcons!
2024-25 Season: Aug 26th - Oct 17th
Parent Meeting: TBD
Summer Practices: We will begin practice on 8/26.
- Monday 8/26 - Thursday 8/29: practices will run from 3-5pm
- Friday 8/30: practice will be 7:30am-9am
- Monday 9/2, Labor Day: no practice
- Tuesday 9/3: practice 2:40-4pm
Regular Practice: Starting on 9/4, the first day of school, Monday - Thursday 2:40-4:45pm.
Friday BEFORE school practice: only one, Friday 9/6 6:30-7:30AM practice for uniform distribution
Athletes will need to be cleared & attend all initial 8 practices to be eligible for the first game.
Practice attire: Cleats, shin guards, and water are the equipment needed.
Game Day attire: a jersey provided by (& returned at the end of the season to) BMS, along with soccer balls.
Away game protocol: We will ride to all matches as a team. If you will be riding with parents home, you will need to have completed a permission form (Travel Release), stamped in the main office and turned in to your coach before departing BMS. Dress in uniform before leaving BMS. Pack snacks.
Photos: TBD
Spirit Wear: TBD
Tell your friends! Falcon Soccer is Awesome!
Head Coach: Chris Gundersen, 360-709-7470
Asst Coach: Chris McCauley, 360-709-7488