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Track & Field

2024-25 Season: Apr 14th - May 22nd

Registration Open: 3/20 - 4/15

Parent meeting: TBD

Regular Practice: Monday-Thursday 2:30-4:45, please pick up your athlete promptly at 4:45 in BACK of the school 

First practice: 4/14

Friday practices: TBD @7am (to get enough practices in before first game)

Athletes need to attend 8 practices to compete in the first meet

Practice attire: running shoes, athletic attire, and a water bottle. We will not be allowing students into the building to use the water fountain.

Game attire will be a jersey provided by (& returned at the end of the season to) BMS.

Away game protocol: We will ride to all matches as a team. If you will be riding with parents home, you will need to have completed a permission form (Travel Release), stamped in the main office and turned in to your coach before departing BMS. Dress in uniform before leaving BMS. Pack snacks.

Photos: TBD

Spirit Wear: TBD 

ArbiterLive is the league (& high school's) way of listing games. If you like that version better, select the links below for each team: links will appear once the meet schedule is set.

Head Coach: Joanna Brown,

Assit. Coach: Angela Borovec,

Assit. Coach: Melinda McGill,

Assit. Coach: Justin Overlie,

Assit. Coach: Mike Boerner,