Volunteering In Our Schools
We love our volunteers! Parents/guardians and community members volunteering in our schools are vital to student success! Each year, hundreds of volunteers share their time and energy to enhance educational opportunities, contributing thousands of hours of service and support to our schools! There are numerous opportunities at each school, ranging from supporting students in the classroom to preparing materials for teachers, to serving on a site team. Additional opportunities for service include working with parent/teacher organizations, advisory committees or booster clubs.- Volunteers must read the TSD Volunteer Handbook and agree to follow the guidelines and expectations outlined in the document.
- Volunteers are required to go through the background check process as outlined below.
How to Become a Volunteer
To learn more about volunteer opportunities, contact the Volunteer Coordinator at your neighborhood school or the Volunteer Coordinator at the District Office at (360) 709-7007. After you complete the online volunteer application (see link below), Tumwater SD conducts a routine Washington State Patrol background check on all volunteers who work with students. Volunteers must be cleared through the WSP Criminal History program (WATCH).- Please allow up to two weeks to process your application.
- Check your spam/junk email if you have not received a confirmation email after two weeks.
- You may begin volunteering once your welcome email arrives.
- Applications include a background check.
- You will be asked to sign in at the building each time you volunteer.
Please contact the school's volunteer coordinator if you have questions about the status of your application.
Value of Volunteering
Both research and common sense tell us that parent and community involvement is critical to student success. Here are some facts that may persuade you to GET INVOLVED!
• The results of school and community collaboration are higher grades and test scores, improved academic achievement, increase in positive attitudes and behaviors, more successful school programs, and more effective schools.
• Any type of parent involvement can improve student achievement!
• Parent involvement is more effective when it encompasses many aspects of a child's education, K-12.
• The benefits of parent and community involvement are not confined to the elementary grades -- strong effects result from continuous involvement through high school.
• Case studies across the nation show that scores on standardized achievement tests increase in proportion to the increase in parent involvement at school.
• Children have the most to gain when schools involve parents and community members.
• Parent and community involvement is an integral part of school improvement.
To ensure the quality of schools as institutions serving the community, parents and community members must be involved at all levels in the school district.
We LOVE our volunteers. Thank you for committing your time and talents to supporting the kids!