Wellness Center
District: Health and Wellness information
2024 Fall Health Updates
Communicable disease update: There is a LOT of pertussis (Whooping Cough) throughout Washington state. Generally this presents as a normal cold, then develops to violent coughing fits that can last for a few minutes and is generally worse at night, as well as difficulty breathing. In infants and children the cough can sound like a high pitched “whoop”. Worldwide, about 160,00 children 5 and under die from whooping cough.
ESD 189 region is experiencing a varicella (Chickenpox) outbreak which necessitated health officer exclusion of 30 students (but no staff so far!).
South of us in Northern Oregon, there is also a large measles outbreak.
These are all related to low vaccination rates.
Please make sure you have your own boosters. If you’re one of the 99% of adults over 50 years old who has had chickenpox, the virus (varicella zoster) that causes shingles is inside your body and can reactivate at any time. No matter how healthy you feel, your immune system declines as you age, and that puts you at an increased risk for shingles. 1 in 3 people will get shingles in their lifetime.
Shingles, COVID, and Flu vaccinations are available at most pharmacies and primary care providers office. Protect yourself, and protect others, by keeping up to date for both yourself and, if you’re a parent, your children.
Feel free to reach out with any questions!
Michelle Kassens, ARNP District Nurse Bush Middle School Littlerock Elementary School Michelle.Kassens@tumwater.k12.wa.us