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Our School

Our School
George Bush Middle School acknowledges that we reside on the ancestral lands of the Nisqually, Upper Chehalis, and Squaxin Island tribes, the original and continuing caretakers of this land and waterways since time immemorial.  We give gratitude to the native peoples for keeping nature's balance and beauty for thousands of years.  We make this acknowledgment in respect and inclusion of tribal partners and indigenous students, families, and staff.
Our school is situated on a 20 acre campus at 2120 83rd Ave. SW. It opened in 1994 and consists of one support building connected to three classroom pods. Originally serving grades 7-8, an additional pod was added following a voter-approved bond measure, and in 2017 we welcomed 6th graders to our campus. 
Our primary focus is the acquisition of basic knowledge, concepts and skills in the core subject areas. Interdisciplinary teams of four or five teachers work with approximately 120 students. Each team focuses on the core curriculum in math, science, language arts and social studies. We also have a group of specialists who provide our students with physical education, health, technology and music instruction. Our rich exploratory and extra-curricular programs contribute to a well-rounded learning experience for our students.